

Exciting and Advanced Technology at West Hills Dental Center!


Welcome to West Hills Dental Center, where we prioritize transparency, your oral health, and your comfort by using the latest and greatest in dental technology.


Sedation Dentistry

What are the different options for sedation during dental treatment?

Here at West Hills Dental center we offer many levels of sedation to make sure you are as comfortable as possible and to make sure you leave us smiling!

We offer : Minimal, Moderate, Deep, and General Anesthesia Sedation.

Minimal Sedation is the lightest form of sedation, where you remain fully awake but relaxed. Dr. Little offers Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) which is provided through a nose mask and once the appointment is complete we have you then breathe oxygen so that it is completely out of your system and you can drive home! Nitrous Oxide is the only form of sedation that you will be able to drive yourself to and from your appointment with us, all others will require you to have a ride. Another option is to have Dr. Little write a prescription for an oral sedative that the you take before arriving at the office for your appointment.

Moderate Sedation keeps you conscious but deeply relaxed. Typically we see that patients slur their words and do not remember much of the procedure. In this category, Dr. Little offers either a higher dose of an oral sedative or a low level of IV sedation. IV Sedation is when Dr. Little administers sedatives through a vein.

Deep Sedation puts you on the edge of consciousness. In this case, patients will not remember the procedure at all and in some cases the day. Dr. Little offers this in IV sedation form in which he administers the sedatives through a vein.

General Anesthesia makes you completely unconscious and unaware of the procedure. When we utilize general anesthesia here at West Hills Dental Center, Dr. Little will bring in an anesthesiologist to administer the required medications.

We work closely with Dr. Enrique Abreu through Limelight Group and have for many many years! 

Dr. Enrique Abreu

For more information regarding General Anesthesia or Dr. Abreu, either call them at 503-207-4992 or go to their website at



Digital X-Rays and Artificial Intelligence

What Are Digital X-Rays and how does Artificial Intelligence work in dentistry?

Digital X-rays are a modern alternative to traditional film X-rays. They use digital sensors to capture detailed images of your teeth, gums, and jaws which are immediately available for viewing. With X-rays being done digitally we are avoiding more and more radiation! Taking a bitewing X-ray as a diagnostic tool exposes you to less radiation than being on a plane for a few hours!

Not only are our digital X-rays improving every day but we also now have the ability to use AI to read those X-rays as soon as they are finished being taken! This tool uses color coding that can show us any existing treatment you have already had done, areas that need some work, measurements of your gums to see if you need a deeper cleaning, as well as highlighting the different parts of the tooth structure for patient education! Dr. Little is confident in our AI tool that we use and has reported that it is proving to be accurate about 99% of the time!

Patient Image from West Hills Dental Center



3D Imaging and Printing

How does our dental office utilize 3D technology?

At West Hills Dental Center we are always researching ways to make our patients as happy with their smile as we possibly can. With our goal always in mind we now utilize 3D imaging as well as 3D printing here on site! 

Our 3D imaging machine is very similar to a CAT scan. It does a full rotation around your head to obtain a complete image of your jaw from every angle. We use this technology to assess bone density for dental implants, to find all roots needed to do root canals, as well as ensuring safe and easy tooth extractions!

Patient Image from West Hills Dental Center


Now on to 3D printing! This is a brand new feature in our office that we cannot be more excited about! Using our SprintRay 3D printer, we are able to design and print your dental appliances! 

We have been able to create night guards for anyone who deals with any kind of clenching or grinding and anyone wanting to protect their new dental implant or crown! We will also be able to design and print pieces of your dental implant, temporary crowns and bridges, orthodontic retainers, and soon dentures!

This technology that we have on site has made making custom pieces easier than ever and has made it fun for us to do!